Satya Sessions ™

One to one mentoring… coaching, guiding, pathfinding... deep listening… soul exploration. Whatever name we give the process to find ourselves. This is the offering.

Satya Sessions™ are an opportunity to dive underneath all that is happening, all the thinking, all the questioning, all the reticence... with no judgements, no attachments to a prescribed outcome... a true space of freedom to explore, remember, believe... and get to the root of the situation so you can create the life you are being called to lead.

As one of the yamas (edicts) of yogic philosophy, Satya, at its base, means truth. Within these sessions, using various modalities of discovery, understanding and healing arts, we will uncover your truth so you can live it fully... with authenticity, with conviction and with acceptance. Owning and integrating your personal wisdom, your creative potential through an open heart.

What shall we explore and when would you like to begin?

As Rumi says "what you are seeking is also seeking you"... lets shine a light on your path allowing you to live through your Enlightened Heart.

Please contact me to get started upon this journey..

At the center of your being you have the answer;

you know who you are and you know what you want.

- Lao Tzu