Live with an open heart


Fall classes begin September 10


Finding the BE!


Live with an open heart ~~ Fall classes begin September 10 ~~ Finding the BE! ~~

Aham Prema Aham Prema Aham Prema Aham Prema Aham Prema Aham Prema


Aham Prema Aham Prema Aham Prema Aham Prema Aham Prema Aham Prema

Be like water. It’s power is soft, yet it’s force is irresistible.

Yoga is…

more than a physical practice… it is a philosophy of life which allows us to find unity with the Self… through asana, breath, awareness and surrender… we become present with the fact we are beautiful, complete and whole just as we are within this moment connected to the Universal Self. The many styles of yoga… hatha, vinyasa, yin, restorative, bhakti… all contribute to this deep connection, bringing alignment, offering stillness… finding the BE.

To learn more

Qigong is…

honoring form and nothingness simultaneously allowing for deep connection and integration within the body. Being in stillness and slow movement together creates strength and root, a deep sense of groundedness to Self and the world. This ancient energy practice from China helps us to cultivate these qualities through the activation of life force (qi, prana, élan vital) utilizing intention and breath within circular, graceful practices opening a flow of radiance into the physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual bodies. Opening this pathway, allows for centeredness, clarity, relaxation and focus… balancing and harmonizing mind, body and spirit… living radiantly. 

To learn more

Meditation is…

becoming the observer… so often we think we must be in control, stop the thoughts, clear our minds, yet the truth is this stream is life. When we slow down and wake to find ourselves, we disconnect from the stream through non-attachment and realize we can sit and observe. We become more than our thoughts. We become more than our bodies. We become light, free, expansive while rooted within the simplicity of the moment. Beginning again with each breath without judgement… and if disturbances arise… we begin again without judgement. Honoring self-love, peace, gratitude and the opportunity of our own enlightenment.

To learn more

Breathe into your heart…

Find balance within your mind…

Live with radiance every day.

Nothing evolves us like LOVE. - Hafiz

Looking behind I am filled with gratitude.

Looking forward I am filled with vision.

Looking upwards I am filled with strength.

Looking within I discover peace. 

- Q'ero Indian prayer

cbarbour - dragon on grun hutte path.JPG

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When I let go of what I am,

I become what I might be.

- Lao Tzu